Do you wish you spent more time doing fun family activities? It can be really difficult to get everyone in your family together to do something that everyone enjoys. Often, what we do caters to one or two members of the family and the rest just tolerate it. It doesn’t have to be that way!
If you need ideas for fun, project-based learning activities, consider investing in MindFinity. We will have you and your child learning through different activities and projects. With MindFinity, you won’t have to plan out quite so many activities, as we do that work for you! Even better, you’ll be able to expand on them and raise smarter kids!
If this sounds interesting to you, click here to learn more.
If you want to learn about more fun family activities, keep reading:
Go Geocaching!
Geocaching is a great way to learn about directions, talk about coordinates, and get some physical activity into your day. Geocaching requires at least one smartphone and a good pair of sneakers. Your family can download a geocaching app, where you will be able to pick “geos” based on your location, the difficulty, and the time.
Some geos are hidden in plain sight and others require climbing trees, figuring out puzzles, or even looking for names in cemeteries. If you have playgrounds or parkland around your neighborhood, you will probably find a few options. Bring something with you to put into the capsule and be sure not to disturb any wildlife or vegetation.
Once your family has done some geos, you can even buy your own and hide it somewhere!
Learn A New Board Game
Board games are fun because everyone in the family can get into the action. They are old-fashioned, sure, but they are proven winners. You can play them on vacation, holidays, or just when you need something to do. Don’t feel limited to board games, you can learn card games too!
If your family does like video games (and there is nothing wrong with that!), consider getting multiplayer games that you can change the levels on, something like Mario Party.
Plant A Garden
Gardens are a really cool way to get everyone in the family together and working towards a common goal. Whether you want to plant flowers or an herb garden, you can use this as a learning experience. Teach your children how to survive off the land, take care of something, and do something good for their mental and physical health all at the same time.
Gardens can help you to teach fractions, photosynthesis, and many “life lessons” that they will need in the future. Even better, an herb or vegetable garden can lead to cooking healthy meals together where you can teach about nutrition.
Explore A New Culture
As your child gets older, becoming a global citizen is going to be important. If you have more time to spend together as a family, consider making an entire day or weekend of exploring a specific culture. You can watch documentaries, go to museums, eat meals, listen to music, and just explore cultures that maybe they haven’t been exposed to before. This is a great way to teach your children about people who don’t look like them or sound like them. Even better, there is probably a ton of information that you will learn too.
Make Artwork
Art is a great way to do something individually while still coming together. Collect different arts and crafts supplies and then have a day where everyone just makes something new and interesting. Maybe someone will use watercolors while another person makes a collage. Someone may go outside and color with chalk while another person uses only a pencil to make a sketch.
When everyone is done, come together and explain your artwork. Maybe even make a display area!
MindFinity Provides Projects The Whole Family Will Love
Our award-winning program helps your children expand their brains and learn polymath thinking skills while dancing, singing, doing martial arts, and moving around!
You get a new game for each day of the week, which takes just a few minutes a day. And you can expand on the games and have your child put their imagination to use and expand other projects that they are already doing. You’ll get some fun ideas as well!
Interested in learning more? To learn more about MindFinity and sign up for a free trial, click here.